Ok pues la primera es la basica! Aqui es donde casi siempre he comprado playeras para regalar y puedes tener seguro que son 100% originales, lo bueno es que en la tienda fisica ahi mismo puedes agregarle el bordado con el nombre y numero que tu gustes! Muchas veces tienen promociones en la pagina y les recomiendo hacer una cuenta con su correo para estar al tanto.
Mi arma secreta para todo. Si no encontraste la playera que querias o de tu talla en innovasport la puedes conseguir en Liverpool. Lo que tambien tienen aqui es sudaderas y cachuchas de tus equipos favoritos de soccer, nfl o nba.
Este es mi secreto y sitio favorito para comprar jerseys o cualquier cosa de tu equipo favorito. En esta pagina siempre siempre hay descuentos para todo, puedes encontrar una pijama de tu equipo favorito en 150 pesos aveces. Esta es mi arma secreta, si no encontraste algo en las dos paginas anteriores seguro aqui esta. En esta pagina hay una seccion de outlet donde puedes conseguir articulos deportivos como ropa o tenis a un precio mas bajo. El envio se tarda un poco pero vale la pena!
Tienda NFL Mexico
Bueno para la temporada NFL puedes encontrar aqui todas las playeras de tus equipos favoritos. En esta pagina que es la oficial casi siempre hay ofertas o envios gratis o te regalan algo con tus compras. Aqui aparte de jerseys puedes encontrar gorros, cachuchas, termos, vasos, llaveros y lo que quieras de tu equipo.
Esta tienda ya se me hace un poco mas cara pero si ya de plano no encontraste lo que buscabas tal ves aqui lo puedas conseguir. Lo que si tienen mas aqui que innova son jerseys o sudaderas de la NBA.
- En innova con tu ticket te hacen el bordado de tu playera gratis
-Si compras tu playera de "niños" te sale un poco mas barato
-En black friday tienen muuuy buenos descuentos en playeras, mas en la tienda NFL y te hacen un regalo con tu compra.
Innova- 30% descuento en adidas, 50% descuento en puma (las playeras de chivas estan mega rebajadas), 50% descuento new era
Netshoes- Envios gratis
Tienda NFL- Tienen hasta 40% de descuento y envios gratis en compras arriba de 1500
Innvictus- 50% de descuento en nike y puma, 30% de descuento en Adidas
Hello and welcome back to my blog! This guide is for sports lovers like me and for those who love to show off their team spirit by wearing shirts from their favorite teams! I'm sure girls who see this have a boyfriend, brother, dad, cousin, or friend who loves to buy jerseys and they are the perfect gift for him. Today I will tell you my secrets on how to buy jerseys, sweatshirts or merchandise from your favorite teams. I am going to start listing the stores where I have bought them at and at the end I will add some tips that can be very useful! Also at the end I put the promotions that these pages have right now.
Ok, so the first one is basic! This is where I have almost always buy jerseys for gifts and you can be sure that they are 100% original, the good thing is that in the physical store right there you can add the embroidery with the name and number that you like! Many times they have promotions on the page and I recommend you make an account with your email so they send you the promotions.
My secret weapon for everything. If you did not find the shirt you wanted or your size in innovasport you can get it in Liverpool. What they also have here are sweatshirts and caps from your favorite soccer, nfl or nba teams.
This is my secret and favorite place to buy jerseys or anything from your favorite team. On this page there are always discounts for everything, you can find pajamas from your favorite team at 150 mxn sometimes. This is my secret weapon, if you did not find something on the previous two pages it will surely be here. On this page there is an outlet section where you can get sports items like clothing or tennis at a lower price. Shipping takes a little while but it's worth it!
NFL Official Store
For the NFL season you can find all your favorite teams apparel. On this official page, there are almost always offers or free shipping or they give you a gift with your purchases. Here apart from jerseys you can find hats, caps, glasses, key chains and whatever you want from your team.
This store is a bit more expensive but if you did not find what you were looking for, maybe you can get it here. What they do have more of here are NBA jerseys or sweatshirts.
- In innova with your ticket they make the embroidery of your shirt for free
-If you buy your jersey in "kids"size it will be a little cheaper
-On black friday they have sooo many good discounts on shirts, even more in the NFL store and they make you a gift with your purchase.
Innova- 30% discount on adidas, puma discount 50%, 50% off new era
Netshoes- Free shipping
NFL Store- They have up to 40% discount and free shipping on purchases over 1500 mxn
Innvictus- 50% discount on nike and puma, 30% discount on Adidas
Tienda NFL- Tienen hasta 40% de descuento y envios gratis en compras arriba de 1500
Innvictus- 50% de descuento en nike y puma, 30% de descuento en Adidas
Hello and welcome back to my blog! This guide is for sports lovers like me and for those who love to show off their team spirit by wearing shirts from their favorite teams! I'm sure girls who see this have a boyfriend, brother, dad, cousin, or friend who loves to buy jerseys and they are the perfect gift for him. Today I will tell you my secrets on how to buy jerseys, sweatshirts or merchandise from your favorite teams. I am going to start listing the stores where I have bought them at and at the end I will add some tips that can be very useful! Also at the end I put the promotions that these pages have right now.
Ok, so the first one is basic! This is where I have almost always buy jerseys for gifts and you can be sure that they are 100% original, the good thing is that in the physical store right there you can add the embroidery with the name and number that you like! Many times they have promotions on the page and I recommend you make an account with your email so they send you the promotions.
My secret weapon for everything. If you did not find the shirt you wanted or your size in innovasport you can get it in Liverpool. What they also have here are sweatshirts and caps from your favorite soccer, nfl or nba teams.
This is my secret and favorite place to buy jerseys or anything from your favorite team. On this page there are always discounts for everything, you can find pajamas from your favorite team at 150 mxn sometimes. This is my secret weapon, if you did not find something on the previous two pages it will surely be here. On this page there is an outlet section where you can get sports items like clothing or tennis at a lower price. Shipping takes a little while but it's worth it!
NFL Official Store
For the NFL season you can find all your favorite teams apparel. On this official page, there are almost always offers or free shipping or they give you a gift with your purchases. Here apart from jerseys you can find hats, caps, glasses, key chains and whatever you want from your team.
This store is a bit more expensive but if you did not find what you were looking for, maybe you can get it here. What they do have more of here are NBA jerseys or sweatshirts.
- In innova with your ticket they make the embroidery of your shirt for free
-If you buy your jersey in "kids"size it will be a little cheaper
-On black friday they have sooo many good discounts on shirts, even more in the NFL store and they make you a gift with your purchase.
Innova- 30% discount on adidas, puma discount 50%, 50% off new era
Netshoes- Free shipping
NFL Store- They have up to 40% discount and free shipping on purchases over 1500 mxn
Innvictus- 50% discount on nike and puma, 30% discount on Adidas