Sunday, December 7, 2014

Kendall jenner: winter

Hello! It's finally beginning to look like winter here and I'm so exited for this seasons fashion. There's one person i personally look up to, fashion and career wise... It's Kendall Jenner! She is now one of the most recognized models, and not because of her last name. Her model off- duty look is so perfect and captivating, she truly looks like a model at all times! Here are some pictures for winter dressing inspiration...

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

meus blogueiros brasileiros favoritos

Ola meus amores! this post is about my favorite brazilian bloggers!  i am really in love with brazil and the culture, i hope i get to go to the carnival one day:) Brazilians have the most amazing fashion sense and style and here are some bloggers i admire...

Camila Coelho

Mariana Saad

Also... i'm thinking of  moving to brazil for college, so let me know your recommendations and about student life over there, love you<3 

Sunday, October 5, 2014

Brigitte Bardot

Hello! Today i wanna mention someone that is really a big inspiration for me, in style and also in helping animals. Brigitte's love for animals turned into a foundation for all animals internationally. That really inspires me because, one day, i want to have my own foundation to help all animals worldwide. 

I hope you enjoyed this post and these beautiful photographs (not mine)  of brigitte loving all animals!

Saturday, September 27, 2014


Hello! Here are some pics that are inspiring me for this fall/winter, hope you like them! :) p.s. they're not mine.